Tuesday 8 August 2017

The 10 cross-cutting competencies most valued by employers

Know what personal values ​​and qualities are the most sought after in the labor market
Also known as "soft skills", literal translation of "soft skills" in English, transversal competences  are those that the person develops independently of the professional category to which he is dedicated. Unlike technical skills, these skills are valuable and transferable in any industry, job, or field of life.

The UK government agency, National Career Service, drew up a list of the top 10 cross-cutting competencies by employers. We share them below with the help of research done by experts at online dissertation writing service:

1. Making decisions
Having the ability to make decisions in an agile, informed and sensible manner is also an estimated competence for any job, since being undecided or making decisions without taking into account the consequences can be very detrimental to the organization. 

2. Commitment
It is not surprising that employers are looking for people who are highly committed to the job, as they often do not require a lot of supervision to do their best and perform their jobs reliably.

3. Interpersonal communication
Having good communication skills, both oral and written, is a quality highly valued in all areas of work. It is a competence that facilitates the deal with colleagues, the resolution of conflicts, and giving and receiving instructions in a clear and precise. It is also an essential competence in providing and accepting constructive criticism.

4. Flexibility
In a world of constant change, knowing how to adapt to circumstances and not to fear new challenges is evidence of a flexible personality, able to leave your comfort zone and face difficulties with a positive attitude.

5. Time Management
It is about knowing how to give priority to the most important and urgent tasks, as well as delegating or spending less time to those that are not so much. 

6. Leadership
Even if you do not have people in charge, knowing how to lead and motivate others to give their best is a quality most appreciated by employers.

7. Creativity and problem solving
People who not only focus on the problem, but immediately try to find a solution in a logical and creative way, are valuable contributions for any organization, and surely will be highlighted.

8. Teamwork
Knowing how to work in a team, in an open, transparent and constructive way, is an essential transversal competence to perform in almost any industry.

9. Responsibility
Knowing how to recognize your own mistakes instead of looking for guilt in others, thus having the ability to take pride when the job is good, is a sign that you are a responsible, whole and committed person with your work.

10. Working under pressure
Meeting the deadlines, dealing with crises and facing the changes and problems at the last moment is part of an increasingly essential quality: knowing how to work in a demanding environment. 

Sunday 6 August 2017

Guidelines for combating dropout in higher education

Understanding the extent of dropout in higher education and what strategies have been implemented globally to address it.

The international expert on reform and transformation of higher education, Dr. Jamil Salmi, produced a document entitled " Combating Desertion in Higher Education: Lessons from International Experience ", which addresses the issue of desertion in Higher education focusing on the factors that influence this phenomenon   and on actions that are being carried out in different parts of the world to try to face this reality . A document for reflection and to take note of ideas and initiatives to address a global problem.

We invite you to learn more about this document prepared by dissertation writing service and dissertation help online

The reason for the problem
The fundamental reason for the dropout at the level of policies, both nationally and by higher education institutions, is the concentration of development policies too focused on the search to increase the coverage rate without taking into account the different types of students Which entered with very different characteristics and levels of preparation.
Desertion, rather than student failure, is a clear indicator of a failure in the system that encompasses higher education, including institutions with high dropout rates.

Data on the phenomenon of desertion to put into perspective
In the United States this problem was studied a lot and an estimated 400,000 students drop out every year. More than 40 percent of American students who begin four-year programs do not earn their degree in six years. In the so-called community college, only fifty percent earn their degree. In addition, according to the report, when studying the dropout associated with the socio-economic level of students , as measured by family income levels, it is observed that a student of a family whose income is more than US $ 90,000 Have a one in two chance of graduating from an undergraduate at age 24 , while for those young people who belong to families whose incomes are less than $ 35.
In Europe, the drop-out rate ranges from 20% to 55%, accentuated by large migratory processes and the financial crisis. On the other hand, in Latin America, where social inequalities are so marked, the high drop-out rates are between 40% and 70% throughout the region. 
To continue analyzing the reason for this problem and analyzing what has been done to combat it, it is important to understand that the causes of desertion do not correspond to a single factor, but to a combination of several. 
Factors of greater incidence in the desertion

Sociocultural factors:   there are prejudices on the part of the families and the communities that know in inferiority of conditions that motivate the belief that they will not be able to finish their studies, causing a low self-esteem.
Structural factors : poverty, class or race causes pressures and needs that hinder the continuity of studies. This reality also has an impact on the quality of higher education they received. This last point is very important, since after passing the barrier of disinterest or believing that the university is only for the rich, those who want to venture into higher education face deficiencies in their training that make the road even more difficult.
Political factors : related to the lack of cross-cutting policies and budgets to promote, for example, scholarships.
Institutional factors : institutional practices that do not support the student, inadequate evaluation systems, lack of practices that promote the integration of students, understanding the heterogeneity that exists and lack of recognition of students with disabilities, among others.
Personal factors : related to health problems, child care, work needs, family influence, etc.
Learning factors : learning difficulties and shortcomings in secondary education resulting from the low quality of the education they receive. This factor ends up having repercussions on entering university and / or keeping up with the rhythm in the case of those who enter.

Programs and concrete actions to combat the problem
There are different models that aim to attack the problem in different stages. It can be for example early, before the end of high school; To prepare for admission to university; Or during their stay at the university to avoid abandonment. Below we will see some initiatives that have been carried out in different parts of the world.

It consists of the work of tutors who give support in specific subjects helping to prepare better for the examinations of completion of higher education as well as to study a university career. In South Africa, for example, there is the " Teachout " program where volunteer students from the University of Cape Town attend low-performing schools in needy areas, supporting, to varying degrees, teaching subjects such as language or mathematics, trying to work In places where there is a certain lack of knowledge or shortcomings in training.

Preparation of entrance exams
In India there is a privately funded " Super 30 " program that selects 30 low-income students and prepares them for the admission examination of a prestigious institute such as the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT).

Development of language and technology skills
In addition to the deficits in language and mathematics resulting from perceived quality of education, there are also shortcomings in the development of skills in the use of technologies. Which has repercussions on the search and access to information that end up being a barrier that prevents access to multiple opportunities. In South Africa, for example, there are programs that prepare and train disadvantaged students by providing training in subjects relevant to people's studies or those with disabilities, in addition to computer literacy.

Early Exposure to the University World
These are programs that provide early exposure to college and university environment. They can be particularly effective in college students from families where no one went to college and they do not fully know what it means to go to college and what opportunities it offers.
In Canada, for example, the Westview Partnership in cooperation with the Toronto District School Board created the Advanced Credit Experience Program in Canada, which offers low-income youth the opportunity to participate in dual enrollment courses at the University of York and Seneca College (community college), where selected students spend a semester in an introductory college course exposing them to higher education within a structured and supportive environment, thus building trust in students who otherwise have not Considered the university as an attainable goal.
There are also countries such as Germany, China, the Philippines, Finland, and Thailand known as "campus schools", which are primary and / or secondary schools developed and run by the university itself. These schools are within the campus allowing students to have direct contact with campus facilities and resources.
Summer programs prior to university entrance are also a tool that helps facilitate the transition between secondary and higher education. At the University of Virginia in the US, the Rainey Scholarship Program invites low-income students who have been accepted into the institution to participate in a 9-week summer program to acclimate to the institution. Students, during that time, live in student residences on campus, and take two college courses in order to start earning an official degree in the institution. Students are also connected with a mentor within their peers and participate in workshops on study techniques, technology, and other relevant topics throughout the summer.

Sensitization, motivation and dissemination of information: other key aspects

Students who are members of families or communities who have historically had no access to higher education are not exposed to the possibilities and opportunities offered by advanced studies. Therefore, raising awareness about the benefits of higher education and encouraging the willingness to enroll is a process in which to work.
In Scotland, for example, there is the Top-Up Program for 5th and 6th grade students in a region with a low participation rate in university education, where workshops are held in schools where opportunities are given Which represents studying a career.
Another initiative is the Oxford Young Ambassadors Program in the UK, which selects a group of students from families in which none of their members have entered higher education and are given the opportunity to participate in a program of 4 Years in which students attend 3 to 4 times a year to Oxford University to interact with students, participate in workshops, conferences, and other activities in order to raise awareness and generate interest.

Education costs: a major obstacle

Obtaining sources of financial aid can be particularly difficult for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Scholarships are implemented in several countries as an incentive, although there are different types of scholarships.
In countries like Mexico or Chile there are need-based scholarship programs, such as the National Higher Education Scholarship Program (PRONABES) in Mexico that awards monthly subsidies for up to 5 years, or the Padre Hurtado de la Pontífica Universidad Católica de Chile, which covers enrollment in a comprehensive manner, aimed at students who have maintained excellent academic performance in high school and achieved high scores on entrance exams.
Educational credits are also a widely used tool. According to the document prepared by Salmi, a study conducted by the University of the Andes in Colombia, students with educational credit have a lower probability of dropping out of school compared to those who are not credit beneficiaries but had conditions and characteristics Similar. In this country there is a program promoted by the Ministry of Education called Ser Pilo Paga , where low-income young people with good academic performance in their high school and with high averages in the standardized test that are carried out throughout the country for income To the university, obtain a condonable credit to study in a public or private universities accredited as of high quality. The credit covers the cost of tuition and support during the race. The reimbursement or not of the credit is contingent to the student obtaining or not the university title for which it was enrolled.

Alerts to detect desertion
In order to prevent students from dropping out, in the United States they are implementing data analysis using big data, tracking students' fingerprints and detecting changes in habits and behavior linked to academic difficulties in order to help them before it is Afternoon .

According to the expert Jamil Salmi published in this document, educating families on the importance of accessing and completing higher education is essential to improve the transition from high school to higher education. It is important to attach great importance to the participation of families in interventions as it is recognized that family members greatly influence the aspirations of their children towards higher education.

Saturday 5 August 2017

13 tips to speak in public without fear

Does the mere idea of ​​giving a speech in front of an audience make you nervous? It does not have to be this way.
Whether presenting a topic in college, giving a speech at a wedding or exhibiting the results of the monthly balance at work, public speaking is inevitable in many aspects of life. A source of insecurity for many and paralyzing fear for others, standing in front of an audience with confidence is something that can be learned and improved through practice. In this opportunity, we share some strategies and tips to free you from panic and express your ideas effectively and peacefully as discussed by leading dissertation writing service:

1. Learn from the best
If you are preparing for a presentation, investigate what makes good speakers so good . Look for the latest TED talks and pay attention to the presenters' habits, habits and behaviors and try to incorporate them.

2. Know your material well
Improvising is not a good idea. While following the flow and being spontaneous is advisable, trusting that your presentation will be good without a hint of preparation is something that not even the best speakers would do. Investigate. Know intimately the subject and what you will say and how you are going to say it. Knowing what you are talking about is one of the best ways to calm your nerves.

3. Practice, practice and practice again
Once your presentation is armed, check it out. Then check it again. Practice your speech in front of a mirror, and then practice in front of a family member or friend. Each time you repeat your presentation you will feel more comfortable, and the idea of ​​conducting it in front of an audience will be less intimidating.

4. Prepare a "Plan B"
Thinking about "what can happen if ..." generates anxiety. "What happens if the computer does not recognize the PowerPoint presentation?", "What happens if someone interrupts constantly?" And "What do I do if the projector does not work?" Are some of the questions that can panic in any speaker.
It is for this reason that you must create contingency plans and be more prepared if the worst happens, although it probably will not happen.

5. Do not wait until the last moment ...
... to check that the microphone works, that the projector projects or that the illumination illuminates. All this must be prepared beforehand. In case something fails, smile and try to maintain your composure while yourself or others take care of the problem. The most important thing is how you react.

6. Take care of your appearance
Although the most important thing is what you say and how you say it, your personal appearance is still an element to take into account when giving an effective presentation. The more neat and professional your appearance, the more confidence you will feel in front of the audience . Make sure you look the best you can.

7. Do not excuse yourself
It is often recommended to inexperienced speakers to convey their insecurities to the audience, ie, at the beginning of the presentation say things like "Sorry, I'm nervous" or "I'm not good at this." If you can avoid it, the better. Get ready enough to be able to speak in public without having to make excuses.

8. Use visual resources as support
Having a good PowerPoint presentation and even providing material to the audience will take some of the pressure off you, as the eyes of the audience will not always be on you and you will have something on which to base yourself if you go blank.
Remember, however, that the slides should not have much text , because in that case no one will hear what you say. If the entire presentation is spent reading directly from a paper or slides, you will show lack of confidence and knowledge in what you say. It is recommended that you only use the visual resources as extra support, not crutches.

9. Talk to one person at a time
One of the aspects of giving speeches that can generate more terror is the public. Perhaps the very idea of ​​standing in front of many expectant people, waiting to hear your words, can make you feel shivers. The best way to overcome this fear is to talk to one person at a time.
Choose three people from the audience and alternate your gaze between them , as if they were having a conversation in a cafe. And look them in the eyes.
Most importantly, do not look at the floor , the ceiling or your notes, this will prove that you are not prepared enough or have confidence in what you say.

10. Incorporate your personal opinion
Anyone can "copy and paste a subject" and repeat it mechanically in front of an audience. What will make the difference in your presentation is what you can bring from your experience and personal knowledge. When giving your speech, try to include occasional thoughts and opinions of your own. Although these must be previously planned and prepared, try to look spontaneous. Giving a little of you to the presentation will make you feel more descontracturada and interesting in the eyes of the public.

11. Speak clearly
Speaking at an exceedingly fast speed is one of the most indiscreet reasoners of nervousness. Even if your speech is brilliant, if no one can understand you, it has the same value as if you dictate your shopping list. Try to speak slowly and clearly, even a little slower than normal.

13. Be brief
Unfortunately, there are many speakers who extend their presentation to the unthinkable with never-ending speeches, not caring about deadly boring the audience or respecting their time. Do not be one of them. Be clear what is expected of your presentation and support , or more or less.

13. Relax

Humans are usually the worst critics of ourselves. If you forget a phrase from your notes or if you miss a slide inadvertently, it is not the end of the world. It's just a presentation .

Body language: 6 useful tips for good body management

When facing the public, it is common to feel a certain nervousness. For this not to happen, we reveal 6 useful tips by leading dissertation writing service.
Giving a speech, communicating a new measure or having an interview are situations that have something in common: all eyes will be on you. This causes the person to be awakened in a certain nervousness that can cause her to mismanage her body by communicating unwanted elements.
The body language can be educated and to be modified in order to collaborate to provide a good image of ourselves. Therefore, if you do not know how to master your involuntary movements then we reveal to you  6 useful tips :

To look into the void giving a speech gives the idea that, five minutes before speaking, you memorized what you had to say. This takes away seriousness and bores viewers. For this to happen, we recommend looking into people's eyes to be serious and trustworthy.

Psychologists specializing in body language assert that whoever leaves hands in places that are barely visible has something to hide. The key to developing a good performance is to keep your hands in sight without exaggerating the gesture. 

This pose will help you keep your balance and feel comfortable.

Tambalearte, interbreed your fingers, and play with your clothing is classic in situations of stress . That's why it's important that you focus on not doing it. It is not about staying static, but about slowing down your movements.

When you feel that there is no longer a place where you can find yourself comfortable, breathe. Inhaling and exhaling air will comfort and fill you with patience and good energies.


Walking from one side to another will only make the spectators nervous that when they are seated they will have to move constantly from their seats to follow the thread of the speech.