Tuesday 21 February 2017

11 tips to be indispensable in your work

Discover what are the qualities that make you a professional difficult to replace and become an essential piece for the company.

If your work is really good and you stand out in what you do, you will probably become indispensable , or at least difficult to replace. In addition, over time and thanks to your performance you will become a candidate for promotion. Today we offer you a series of tips to become a key part  of the company in which you work , according to recommendations of the company Michael Page (dedicated to the search of strategic candidates that fulfill the missions of the company) and Davida Kiger, founder of Worldwide Express (logistics company).
1. Be reliable
Position yourself as the person your teammates turn to when they need something done right and fast. The efficiency and cooperation are even more important to be punctual at meetings. The trust means that you do not try to take clear advantage of your skills , but your supervisor know who are helping to develop genuinely and what projects.

2. Proposes solutions
Solve the daily conflicts of the company helping your colleagues to deal with their labor problems . For example, if something does not work, look for a way to fix it. Avoiding headaches to the team and mainly to your managers, is another way to add value to your performance.

3. Become the expert who shares your knowledge
Monopolizing a particular skill is the basis for being a useful source of information on the computer . It is imperative that you share this knowledge with the rest of your colleagues to add value to the performance of your entire department and improve the overall level of the company. You will be considered as a coach of the other employees and therefore an important training tool.

4. Learn about the customer
Gather all the information available on the type of customer that comes to your company. It will be useful to anticipate your needs or demands. Remember that success is achieved when all members of the team manage to satisfy the customer , so managing data about your profile will position you in a place of consultation by your colleagues.

5. Pay attention to the details
Multifunctionality is a requirement of the current era, so the ability to resolve situations  with the least possible help is well valued. Try not to make excessive corrections on your work, only those that are relevant. To do this, you must pay attention to every minute detail in the development of your task.

6. Avoid Distractions
To be excellent in your area, you should set aside activities that are not relevant. Immerse yourself in your work, find out the latest trends in your field of knowledge and apply them. Discuss articles and books with your boss to show that you keep up to date in order to perfect your work and that of others.

7. Offer to carry out important projects
Key projects will allow you to venture into broader business , so become a volunteer who drives the company's goals. Focusing on the most important and timeless tasks instead of the simple and quick work to do, is a good way to guarantee your value in the firm.

8. Leads corporate events
Be the figure that leads the events organized by your company. Offer to represent your company or department in a conference, business meeting or collaboration with the community (educational, social events). If you make the event socially associated with the company name , you will be well received when you return to the office.

9. Build relationships with your bosses
Constant exposure to the people who make the fundamental decisions of the company will lead you to the top of the list when it comes time for a job promotion. Take advantage of this approach to learn methods and competencies from positions higher  than yours to apply to your own work with the goal of improving it permanently.

10. Facilitate the work of your supervisor
If you collaborate with your work removing responsibilities from the good execution of your own work  you will have an ally when you need to reduce the staff. Find an emptiness in the work of your manager that you can fill, but in turn, add value making it essential for the whole team.

11. Do your best
An indispensable employee , in the end, is one who engages with the company and is interested in meeting corporate objectives . Encourage the rest of the employees to achieve an excellent product or service together, be effective in your work and mainly, behave like a good companion: you will not get an upgrade nor will you ensure your work is hindering the performance of others. 

About the Writer:

The author of this post works at the leading UK dissertation writing service. Jessica has a degree in Social Work and has been providing dissertation help to students from all across the globe. Jessica loves to read fictional novels and is a great Sherlock Holmes fan. She loves her job as an expert dissertation writer and is glad to be a part of the dissertation writing service program.

Friday 17 February 2017

12 guides to develop an academic essay (free to download)

If you are faced with the challenge of developing an essay, read these manuals to present your ideas in the appropriate format and style
According to the philosopher Walter Benjamin, " the essay is the game of theory ". It is the text in which an author exposes and develops his ideas , both objective and subjective. Almost all college students must write an essay at some time, and these must conform to certain style and format standards. 

It is always great to get some professional help and what better way to get dissertation help from the leading dissertation writing service in UK. Get the help you need in writing, editing, proofreading and structuring your dissertation and papers from Dissertation Planet at affordable rates today!

For this reason, we bring you 12 free, downloadable and Spanish guides to prepare an academic essay :

1. Basic guide to prepare an academic essay
Elaborated by the teacher Wilmer Casasola R. of the University of the Valley, this brief and simple guide covers all the stages of elaboration of an academic essay , from the cover to the bibliography. Download it here .

2. Guide for the preparation and presentation of an essay
This document, designed by teachers of the Metropolitan University, explains everything about the nature of an essay, its different types and main characteristics , as well as offers different suggestions so that the result is the best possible. Find the complete guide in this link .

3. Guide to essay writing
This is a manual developed by the Spanish teacher Yolanda Gamboa, from Florida Atlantic University, which presents some strategies to improve the quality of the essays . Download it here .

4. Basic manual for writing essays
This free and free manual, prepared by the SM Publishing Foundation of Mexico, has the mission of providing the necessary keys to produce a quality essay . It is a comprehensive and meticulous guide, covering all stages of the writing and review process. Click here to get it.

5. Guide to the development of an academic essay
It is a guide generated by teachers of the University of La Salle Victoria, with the aim of their students have a practical guide to write an essay that meets the expectations of the institution. Enter this link to read the document.

6. Handbook for developing an academic essay
The Peruvian teacher Luis Catacora Lira, from the Institute of Higher Education Public Pedagogical, developed a practical manual that offers practical guidelines on the definition, requirements, structure and process of elaboration of an academic essay . Obtain the manual here .

7. Guidelines for the development of trials
It is a document aimed at students of the Degree in Social Anthropology of the Autonomous University of Yucatan, although students from all institutions can benefit from the suggestions it offers. Download the manual in this link .

8. Technical guide for preparing an essay
Teachers of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of QuerĂ©taro elaborated this practical and simple manual about the characteristics and conditions that every academic essay should have . Enter here to get it instantly.

9. Guide for the development of an essay
This guide, which follows the style and format guidelines provided by the American Psychological Association (APA), was designed to provide students at the Catholic University of Costa Rica with a practical and comprehensive handbook for research reports in the form of essays. You can download the guide in this link .

10. The academic essay: a guide for the development of academic essays in social sciences
Elaborated from the University of Huelva, this guide offers you everything you need to know about writing an academic essay, especially if you come from the field of social sciences . Download it here .

11. How to Write an Essay or Philosophical Article
The essay is a type of text used to transmit knowledge in all kinds of disciplines, including philosophy. This guide, developed by the University of Salamanca, presents the ideal language and structure to produce a philosophical essay . Enter here to download it .

12. The trial and its characteristics
Presented in practical and concrete slides, this guide presents the fundamental aspects of this class of texts, as well as recommendations for the students that face it. Click here to read the guide.

Friday 10 February 2017

9 Job Skills that Recruiters Look for

Know the skills and abilities that will help you get the desired job

Job offers specify the requirements that a candidate must meet to fill the available position. However, there are implicit qualities  that recruiters look for in candidates shortlisted for the job interview or trial period that can be learned. According to the firm Burning Glass Technologies dedicated to the analysis of the labor market, these are the nine most important skills to   ensure your job Discover them!
1. Troubleshooting
From solutions provided by programmers designing computer codes, to hotel receptionists who meet customer demands, problem solving competence is always needed in a job. The firm will keep employees who can cope with the unexpected problems that arise in day to day.

2. Customer Service
Service companies seeking friendly staff and educate or can deal with different types of customers. While it is clear that the sales, health or social sciences are areas where these qualities are essential, there are other fields such as finances, positions related to information technologies or religious positions that imply good interpersonal relationships. No firm, organization or institution will hire personnel whose lack of tact distances customers or beneficiaries.

3. Communication
To express your ideas, opinions, concerns, report your activity, talk to a team member or customer and perform any activity that involves interaction, you must have communication skills. These skills include the ability to write adapting to the context and the skills verbally manifested  as the situation where you are. Any employment in the services sector implies an exchange with the client. On the other hand, firms that do not deal directly with the public, have other instances such as conferences and meetings where you must demonstrate your excellent ability to express.

4. Writing
The ability to write clear and concise is another feature sought by recruiters. Possessing the ability to transform complex concepts in easy to understand terms, granting access and stay in a job. Even those who compete in technical training, engineering or other areas away from the world of letters, need to have staff capable of reporting.

5. Search and hierarchical information
The ability to find the right sources is well worth any job. Prioritize information and separate the facts dispensable to achieve a goal or perform the task properly, are qualities necessary concerning jobs related to engineering, data analysis or communication. However, health, law, or economics also require people who can search and prioritize data.

6. Computer Literacy
Today, most jobs offered need employees who can deal with technology, mainly in the computer area. Computers are the basis of many jobs and ignore their operation or the network, will position your application in the last place on the list. In fact, 65% of jobs requesting basic training, expect candidates possess computer skills. The percentage rises to 85% in highly specialized jobs.

7. Management of Word and Excel
The Office package offered by the Microsoft company is requested in 85% of jobs, especially Word and Excel programs. Both the writing and the calculation are necessary tasks in high training jobs. Excel in particular, provides various functions that are used in different fields of knowledge. Given that most people learn these programs through self-education, one certification that proves your knowledge will help  to position yourself in obtaining the position.

8. Organization
Be organized in your performance and sort tasks and other functions, is a relevant capacity in any field. Avoiding scheduling the same meeting several times, convening the rest of the staff to meet a corporate goal, or archiving documents on easy-to-remember sites are qualities of high business value.

9. Projection
The ability to anticipate future projects or business opportunities is crucial to work in a company. A candidate who can identify a business need and act on it, will prevail in the selection process. Recruiters will capture the skill of an aspirant who can design strategies, plan events or schedule a calendar. All contributions to improve the functioning of the firm in the future, will be welcome.

And the most important... is that all these skills can be acquired through learning

Author Bio

The author of this post works at the leading UK dissertation writing service. Jessica has a degree in Social Work and has been providing dissertation help to students from all across the globe. Jessica loves to read fictional novels and is a great Sherlock Holmes fan. She loves her job as an expert dissertation writer and is glad to be a part of the dissertation writing service program.

Thursday 9 February 2017

The Washington Post offers paid internships for students and graduates of any nationality

He holds a paid internship at The Washington Post as a journalist, photographer, cameraman, publisher, or producer during the summer of 2017.

Internships Summer 2017 Newsroom Internship Program offered by The Washington Post, are aimed at students of the last years of his college career or graduate without age limit in areas related to journalism and developed in the US during the summer of 2017. The edition boarding 2016 paid $ 750 weekly to selected candidates. Applications will be received until October 16 .

In addition to the studies related to the media sector, candidates must have professional experience in a media or have made a practice and master the English language .

Summer 2017 Newsroom Internship Program vacancies are for the positions of journalist, photojournalist or cameraman, multiplatform editor, multiplatform producer, social media producer, news designer, graphic designer, graphic reporter or graphic developer. The tasks will be to inform or write articles, edit, photograph, film, develop graphics and design platforms with media professionals.

It should be noted that the paper does not provide accommodation but orients its internal in the right direction to begin the search for their media. Six weeks before boarding you subscribe free of charge to every internal to the Washington Post to be done to familiarize with environmental guidelines and get housing in this way.

In addition to completing the online form in the official announcement, it is essential to add a resume, work samples and an autobiographical essay . All documents must be in English. The results will be announced on December 2.

Author Bio
The author of this post works at the leading UK dissertation writing service. Jessica has a degree in Social Work and has been providing dissertation help to students from all across the globe. Jessica loves to read fictional novels and is a great Sherlock Holmes fan. She loves her job as an expert dissertation writer and is glad to be a part of the dissertation writing service program.