Tuesday 10 January 2017

Know the skills and abilities that will help you get the desired job

Job offers specify the requirements that a candidate must meet to fill the available position. However, there are implicit qualities  that recruiters look for in candidates shortlisted for the job interview or trial period that can be learned. According to the firm Burning Glass Technologies dedicated to the analysis of the labor market, these are the nine most important skills to   ensure your job Discover them!

1. Troubleshooting
From solutions provided by programmers designing computer codes, to hotel receptionists who meet customer demands, problem solving competence is always needed in a job. The firm will keep employees who can cope with the unexpected problems that arise in day to day .

2. Customer Service
Service companies seeking friendly staff and educate or can deal with different types of customers . While it is clear that the sales, health or social sciences are areas where these qualities are essential, there are other fields such as finances, positions related to information technologies or religious positions that imply good interpersonal relationships. No firm, organization or institution will hire personnel whose lack of tact distances customers or beneficiaries.

3. Communication
To express your ideas, opinions, concerns, report your activity, talk to a team member or customer and perform any activity that involves interaction , you must have communication skills. These skills include the ability to write adapting to the context and the skills verbally manifested  as the situation where you are. Any employment in the services sector implies an exchange with the client. On the other hand, firms that do not deal directly with the public, have other instances such as conferences and meetings where you must demonstrate your excellent ability to express.

4. Writing
The ability to write clear and concise is another feature sought by recruiters. Possessing the ability to transform complex concepts in easy to understand terms , granting access and stay in a job. Even those who compete in technical training, engineering or other areas away from the world of letters, need to have staff capable of reporting.

5. Search and hierarchical information
The ability to find the right sources is well worth any job. Prioritize information and separate the facts dispensable to achieve a goal or perform the task properly, are qualities necessary concerning jobs related to engineering, data analysis or communication. However, health, law, or economics also require people who can search and prioritize data.

6. Computer Literacy
Today, most jobs offered need employees who can deal with technology , mainly in the computer area. Computers are the basis of many jobs and ignore their operation or the network, will position your application in the last place on the list. In fact, 65% of jobs requesting basic training , expect candidates possess computer skills. The percentage rises to 85% in highly specialized jobs .

7. Management of Word and Excel
The Office package offered by the Microsoft company is requested in 85% of jobs , especially Word and Excel programs. Both the writing and the calculation are necessary tasks in high training jobs. Excel in particular, provides various functions that are used in different fields of knowledge. Given that most people learn these programs through self-education, one certification that proves your knowledge will help  to position yourself in obtaining the position.

8. Organization
Be organized in your performance and sort tasks and other functions , is a relevant capacity in any field. Avoiding scheduling the same meeting several times, convening the rest of the staff to meet a corporate goal, or archiving documents on easy-to-remember sites are qualities of high business value.

9. Projection
The ability to anticipate future projects or business opportunities is crucial to work in a company. A candidate who can identify a business need and act on it, will prevail in the selection process. Recruiters will capture the skill of an aspirant who can design strategies, plan events or schedule a calendar. All contributions to improve the functioning of the firm in the future , will be welcome. 

And the most important ... is that all these skills can be acquired through learning.

Author Bio

The author of this post works at the leading UK dissertation writing service. Jessica has a degree in Social Work and has been providing dissertation help to students from all across the globe. Jessica loves to read fictional novels and is a great Sherlock Holmes fan. She loves her job as an expert dissertation writer and is glad to be a part of the dissertation writing service program.



12 keys to know if you are giving your best

If you are a self-demanding person and you have doubts about your performance, pay attention to these signs that will indicate to you what attitude you have in life
All we ever ask ourselves if we are giving the best of ourselves , whether at work, in the race that chose to study or other personal aspects. For that you analyze whether you're actually using your full potential , we bring you 12 tracks to see if you're giving it everything. 

1. Pursue Your Passions
Do what you want even if you bring problems . The key to success is to go for what you want no matter what you find on the road. People who refuse to pursue their passions are afraid to fail, but never make it without trying .

2. Find new chances
Having a proactive in seeking opportunities rather than waiting to come to you, is the most important step towards success. Take every chance that this and transform it into an action that expand your possibilities.

3. Continue trying
Be persistent with your desires even if you fail trying , it is essential to improve your performance testing alternatives that you had not happened so far. When you stop trying it is because you lose interest in achieving an objective that was initially fundamental for you.

4. Learning from mistakes
The errors make us more vigilant and avoid committing them again. So, if you can turn your challenges into valuable lessons , then your performance is correct. Mistakes are the best teachers.

5. Meeting Challenges
Find new challenges and try to overcome them is an unequivocal sign that you are giving the best of you . Easy things do not excite you as much as when you face challenges. The bigger the challenge the more growth opportunities you see.

6. Face your fears
When you overcome a fear you become stronger, because fear is an obstacle to progress . Try to overcome your fears so that they stop being so and do not prevent you from pursuing a passion or performing in a certain area.

7. Trust you
We all have an inner voice that sabotages our confidence with negative thoughts to keep us from doing something new and failing. Demuestrate yourself that you can deal with problems because you are a person who believes in their capabilities to confront them .

8. Master Your Thoughts
Direct your thoughts to positive thoughts ending in beneficial actions , it is the best way to influence your destiny. The decisions we make become actions that will have consequences, so try to take the indicated ones guiding you with positive thoughts.

9. Be free to do what you want
The importance you give to what they say or think others will affect your willingness to achieve goals or develop activities. Please note the opinions of your close friends and people that you consider important in your life, but do not let that constrain the choices you make .

10. Helping people
Interested by other people and help them allows you to be comfortable with yourself . Few things give as much satisfaction as helping others. In addition, you will feel good about  greater willpower .

11. Worrying about your health
Being as healthy as you can is critical to achieving a goal. You will not do your best if you suffer from a health problem and you do not treat it. Appreciate your good physical condition, because in part, thanks to it is that you will be able to fulfill your desires.

12 . Update
Learn constantly, continue to develop, add value to your person every day. The positive changes shape new ways of thinking and new options to explore.


Author Bio

The author of this post works at the leading UK dissertation writing service. Jessica has a degree in Social Work and has been providing dissertation help to students from all across the globe. Jessica loves to read fictional novels and is a great Sherlock Holmes fan. She loves her job as an expert dissertation writer and is glad to be a part of the dissertation writing service program.

16 tips to boost the memory retention capacity

Pay attention to these tips to boost your memory and retain what you have learned in class, so that you achieve success in your next exam.
Studying is not sit and read two days before a test and try to remember as many ideas expressed in a text, but involves deploying a plan that allows you to generate a routine to retain what they have learned . There are certain habits and tips that you can implement to enhance your memory and fix the knowledge in the long run . Get to know them!

1. Breathe deeply
Breathing decreases stress that can interfere with both thinking and learning and memory. It allows for better circulation of blood and oxygen to the brain , making you clarify your ideas.

2. Maintain order
Hierarchize the themes or projects in which you are working to develop a plan that allows you to dedicate just time to each one. In addition to the mental order , we recommend you to reflect this physical cleaning your studio space. An organized desk helps your brain to focus on what 's important.

3. Take notes in class
Preferably use the old school to take notes, as pencil and paper increases the conceptual understanding of an issue because it forces paraphrasing, create symbols, arrows and connections that typing on a computer is unable to reproduce. Writing by hand will facilitate retention by the way in which the data is encoded.

4. Read your speaker notes
Once finished the class, it is advisable to reread your notes but articulating each word to focus your attention and add the ear to the retention process. In this way, listening becomes another way of processing information.

5. Discuss the issues with your peers
Talking with friends or classmates about the topics you saw in class is a way to incorporate knowledge in the long term. The collaborative learning generates excellent results if there is a commitment by all members of the study group.

6. Repeat the information
Acquiring knowledge involves reviewing it several times for it to be embedded in long-term memory. Every time you finish a paragraph repeats his central idea and supporting details that add useful data , even it is desirable that subrayes  and you elaborate a scheme, diagram, mind map or another method of your choice.

7. Help with colors
The color code writing easier data processing because you will create signals for each of the colors chosen . For example, the red for central ideas, the blue for secondary, the green for dates and the yellow for unleashed personalities. You can even use adhesive colored sheets to mark sections within the notebook itself.

8. Use flash cards
It's a good way to gather questions and answers on a text or topic in one physical place. Prepares a card or use the adhesive sheets of colored notepads, writing a question on one side and the answer on the other side . If you use the adhesive sheets, you can even paste the question into the exact location of your notebook.

9. Get rid of mnemonic devices
Songs, rhymes, acronyms, invented words, anything goes to help your memory to remember complex data to be reproduced accurately . It is often used when you should learn extensive lists such as classifications, formulas or operations in the hard sciences.

10. Rest between study sessions
The brain needs to take a break to recharge and continue learning. Studying for long periods without taking a few minutes will cause mental fatigue and decrease your concentration.

11. Maintain a positive attitude
The negativity harms the brain because it affects your academic performance. The idea of failure in a test, the nerves or the conviction of an inability to face the university challenges, will prevent your success.

12. Reward yourself
Prepare small prizes for yourself that you can enjoy when you learn a theme to perfection or complete a task. If you rewards for good performance, you increase the chances of repeating this behavior in the future . Make sure that the prizes corresponding to the level of difficulty of the subject , ranging from a walk, a chocolate, a movie and even an outing with friends after rendering an important exam.

13. Eat at the usual times
Saltearte meals slows the brain because foods are sources of energy . Also, the headache and the feeling of discomfort you feel when you do not eat for several hours, will distract you from study. Have a bottle of water handy to hydrate while studying.

14. Exercise
It helps the release of endorphins that create feeling of wellbeing , keeping you alert and focused on your tasks. Walking, biking, skating or attending a gym class regularly are some ways to relieve stress and energize your mind.

15. Avoid Caffeine
Contrary to popular belief that beverages such as coffee boost study ability, science ensures that caffeine alone produces the sensation of being alert. Sleep is the best substitute for this substance , because it really helps to encode the information for later use.

16. Sleep at night
I learned if you reconcile sleep for seven or eight hours . According to American Psychological Association Monitor, adequate sleep can process the information you received during the day.

Author Bio

The author of this post works at the leading UK dissertation writing service. Jessica has a degree in Social Work and has been providing dissertation help to students from all across the globe. Jessica loves to read fictional novels and is a great Sherlock Holmes fan. She loves her job as an expert dissertation writer and is glad to be a part of the dissertation writing service program.