Monday 11 September 2017

What are the benefits of consuming onion? Know 10 useful data

In addition to being a staple of traditional cuisine, the onion is known from ancient times for its numerous properties. Get the best dissertation help from UK.

The onion was much revered in ancient Egypt as a symbol of vitality and was taken as "the remedy that cures everything". Records have been found dating back to 4000 BC. C. that would link to the onion with some religious rites and therapeutic uses.
The onion acts as an antibiotic and fungicide helping to prevent a large number of contagious diseases. It is one of the foods with the highest concentration of quercitin, powerful flavonoid with a great antioxidant action, anti-inflammatory, improves blood circulation, lowers cholesterol. It helps treat asthma symptoms and bronchial problems.

Cancer decreases the chances of cell division of cancer cells. Decreases blood glucose. It has great purifying action eliminating impurities of the blood and acting like diuretic.
Due to its silicon content it helps reduce LDL cholesterol levels, prevents cardiovascular diseases, regulates blood pressure, prevents thrombosis and aging of arteries and veins. It is critical in the formation of collagen and helps maintain healthy tendons and muscles.
Because of its sulfur content, it prevents and treats skin conditions such as psoriasis, acne and dermatitis, among others.
They emphasize their nutritional levels of phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, iron, vitamin A, C and E.
Internal medicinal properties:
1.- It improves the circulation, the spicy taste of the onion increases the blood circulation and causes sweating.
2.- Elimination of liquids, onion is a good diuretic so it is advisable if you have any disease like gout or simply to relieve fluid retention.
3.- Bactericidal, raw onion is highly antiseptic, and attacks infectious bacteria, including salmonella. It is also effective against tuberculosis and urinary tract infections, such as cystitis.
4.- Promotes digestion, maintains gastrointestinal health by supporting beneficial bacteria.
5.- Helps allergies, avoids inflammatory processes associated with asthma.
6.- Helps osteoporosis, reduce symptoms associated with osteoporosis and improve bone health
External medicinal properties:
1.- Aid against insect bites
2.- Warts help
3.- Good hair lotion
4.- Maintain healthy hair

Bullying: How to deal with aggression?

Bullying, by violating the right to be respected, forces us to take charge of a school reality that we can not ignore. 

Today it seems that aggression among students in the same school is becoming more common. However, some experts say that school-level bullying has always existed and that what we are actually witnessing is the increase in public reporting. In spite of the numerous cases of Bullying that every day we find out thanks to the media, we do not stop shuddering. Here are some central ideas are given by specialists.

Image: The Mercury

Before any type of aggression, we can identify at least 3 actors: the aggressor, the victim, and third parties. The aggressor is characterized by having a situation of power over his victim. Such power can be, for example, of social, economic, labor, physical, age or psychological type. That is, it is any element that makes you feel superior to another and that makes abusive use. The victim, on the other hand, is in an inferior or unfavorable condition in relation to the aggressor, so he feels unable to defend himself. What is most frightening is the existence of threats that its enemy causes him: he could lose the job or an economic sustenance; you could get hurt or even could risk the life of yourself or others. Finally, there are also the third ones that are all those that relate to the victim by kinship, friendship, work, neighborhood, etc. Third parties are active participants because they have a responsibility to protect and assist the victim if they notice any undesirable behavior against them.
The silence
For the aggressor-victim relationship to develop, it is essential to establish the law of silence. This is where we understand why the threat is so important because it produces fear that disables the victim from speaking and asking for help. We can not, therefore, hold the victim responsible for "letting himself be attacked" because he is so frightened that he can even feel responsible for the behavior of the aggressor and deserving of the aggression. He is convinced that keeping silence will prevent the aggressor from concretizing his threat.
The responsible
The only ones who can really help a bullying child are the third parties. When parents, teachers or friends see a child withdrawn, scared and bruised they should ask themselves if something happens and observe. They must also give the confidence for this child to open up to tell their situation. Even worse is when we witness bullying and bullying and we do not give notice or give help, then we become accomplices. It is crucial to understand that third parties can not ignore bullying. If they feel inferior to the aggressor, they should strategically seek help from others rather than confront it. But in any case, the solution is to break the silence .
Author Bio
Henry works for the top UK dissertation writing service. He has a degree in Social Work and has been providing dissertation help to students from all across the globe. He loves to read fictional novels and is a great Harry Potter fan. He loves his job as an expert dissertation writer and is glad to be a part of the dissertation writing service program.

Did not you go up to the Hogwarts Express? You have another place in the Harry Potter universe in London then

Today is not a September 1 at any King's Cross station, which is filled with children magicians every year to catch their train to the school of magic and sorcery. Today was the appointed day for Harry and Ginny's son to start school. What about you? Did not you go up to the Hogwarts Express? Well, you have another place in the Harry Potter universe then.s discussed by our expert traveller at dissertation writing service.
Of course, that first paragraph may be a bit cryptic for those who are not fans of the saga, but here we are to explain it. All 1 of September at King's Cross mark the punctual departure at 11.30 of the Hogwarts Express from Platform 9 and 3/4. If your ticket did not arrive this year, and you do not have tickets for the play, you have the option of a free visit in London to an exhibition of posters and designs of the films.
House of MinaLima is a free exhibition (with store, of course) in the Theater London area of everything related to the posters, graphic designs and pictures that appeared in the films of the saga . Miraphora Mina and Eduardo Lima, who are the creators of 'The Daily Prophet', the posters of Se busca, the Hogwarts textbooks (which you already know were alive), as well as the Horocruxes and the Chalice of Fire.
There are four floors of paintings, drawings, posters and other designs of the films and works, including that wonderful fireplace totally drowned by Harry's inclusion letters at Hogwarts . Who knows if there is any of ours. The museum shop is on the 26th of Greek Street in Soho. And yes, the store on the ground floor has everything for sale, affordable stuff and things at totally exorbitant prices for many possible fans.